We are celebrating 390 years of excellence in girls' education.

The history of Redmaids’ High begins in 1634 and means that the foundation upon which we continue to build as a community runs deep and offers great strength. We recognise the unique nature of our journey, extending as it does to the growth of the girls’ school movement in the 19th century, as well as the merger of two great schools in 2016. We therefore consider ourselves both the oldest and among the newest girls’ schools in the country!

Whilst our heritage allows us to draw upon centuries of history and experience, it also instils in us the need to continue to look to the horizon, and continue to shape the nature of education for all of our students. 2034 is just as important a date in our minds as 1634. We are well aware of the changing nature of the world that our young people will go into, and we pride ourselves on the manner in which we prepare them to shape their destinies and the destiny of the wider world.

Life at Redmaids’ High is based upon understanding our students and helping them to understand themselves. A varied, exciting and inspiring curriculum enables them to explore the possibilities each of their subjects might offer, as well as seek to draw links between them. We believe firmly in helping students understand the skills they will need to be successful in any pathway they might choose: the ability to think deeply and critically, to work well with others, to communicate with confidence, to challenge convention.

Such a curriculum offering is underpinned by the strong and nurturing pastoral care in place throughout the school. Students will be known and valued on their own terms, and helped to aspire to great things, whatever their interests might be. The closeness of our community is unmatched and something that we continue to develop, allowing everyone to benefit from a true sense of belonging, knowing that their peers will be alongside them to celebrate success or support through difficulty.

Aspiration is nothing without opportunity and the breadth of activities and enrichment available for students offers something for everyone. From Sport at all levels to Drama and Music, from Art to our Athena programme, from work in the local community to trips around the world, we passionately believe that enriching students widely is the best way to inspire their development. At Redmaids' High, your daughter will join a strong community of like-minded students and can explore all subjects and interests equally, free from gender-based presumptions.  

Our young people are aware of the challenges they might face as they enter the wider world, and now more than ever it is important for schools to prepare them to shape the world in the best possible way with confidence. We look forward to welcoming you into the school community to show all that we have to offer.