Our broad, balanced PE curriculum comprises traditional team sports (hockey, netball and cricket) alongside gymnastics, dance, athletics and fitness.

Our aim is to inspire all pupils to become confident, motivated and skilled sportswomen in their chosen activities.

Alongside physical skills, game play and tactics, we also develop team-work, creative and choreography skills – all the time building resilience and determination. Additionally, there are leadership opportunities such as our House Captain, Hockey Captain and Dance Captain roles.

There are many opportunities to represent the School in fixtures, tournaments, festivals and local swimming galas.

Recently, our netball and hockey teams have reached national as well as regional finals. All girls have swimming sessions on a weekly basis, all year round. Plus, as part of our extra-curricular programme, specialist teachers and coaches run a range of activities, including ballet, dance, judo, fencing, hockey, netball, cricket, tennis and swimming – and the list goes on!

As well as having use of our on-site sports grounds, we have access to our 16-acre multi-purpose sports site at ‘The Lawns’, just a short drive away. This first-class facility includes a National Hockey Federation hockey pitch, netball courts, cricket pitches, tennis courts, extensive athletics space and 3G football pitch.

There are many opportunities to represent the School in fixtures, tournaments, festivals and local swimming galas.

Recently, our netball and hockey teams have reached national as well as regional finals. All girls have swimming sessions on a weekly basis, all year round. Plus, as part of our extra-curricular programme, specialist teachers and coaches run a range of activities, including ballet, dance, judo, fencing, hockey, netball, cricket, tennis and swimming – and the list goes on!

As well as having use of our on-site sports grounds, we have access to our 16-acre multi-purpose sports site at ‘The Lawns’, just a short drive away. This first class facility includes a National Hockey Federation hockey pitch, netball courts, cricket pitches, tennis courts, extensive athletics space and 3G football pitch.



Our broad, balanced PE curriculum comprises traditional team sports (hockey, netball and cricket) alongside gymnastics, dance, athletics and fitness.

Our aim is to inspire all pupils to become confident, motivated and skilled sportswomen in their chosen activities.

Alongside physical skills, game play and tactics, we also develop team-work, creative and choreography skills – all the time building resilience and determination. Additionally, there are leadership opportunities such as our House Captain, Hockey Captain and Dance Captain roles.

There are many opportunities to represent the School in fixtures, tournaments, festivals and local swimming galas.

Recently, our netball and hockey teams have reached national as well as regional finals. All girls have swimming sessions on a weekly basis, all year round. Plus, as part of our extra-curricular programme, specialist teachers and coaches run a range of activities, including ballet, dance, judo, fencing, hockey, netball, cricket, tennis and swimming – and the list goes on!

As well as having use of our on-site sports grounds, we have access to our 16-acre multi-purpose sports site at ‘The Lawns’, just a short drive away. This first-class facility includes a National Hockey Federation hockey pitch, netball courts, cricket pitches, tennis courts, extensive athletics space and 3G football pitch.