    & Drama


    & Drama


Our rich academic music programme is highly
practical, focusing on expression and creativity.

This means pupils can start enjoying, performing and composing
their own music from the outset. From exploring classical music
theory to digital music production, we encourage a hands-on approach.

Individual tuition is offered through a dedicated team of 16 music
teachers, covering classical harp to rock guitar. Pupils enjoy improving
their abilities and becoming more confident, with around twenty girls
completing ABRSM Music examinations every term and some playing
in the National Children’s Orchestra too.


Our rich academic music programme is highly practical, focusing on expression and creativity.

This means pupils can start enjoying, performing and composing their own music from the outset. From exploring classical music theory to digital music production, we encourage a hands-on approach.

Individual tuition is offered through a dedicated team of 16 music teachers, covering classical harp to rock guitar. Pupils enjoy improving their abilities and becoming more confident, with around twenty girls completing ABRSM Music examinations every term and some playing in the National Children’s Orchestra too.

Our rich academic music programme is highly practical, focusing on expression and creativity.

This means pupils can start enjoying, performing and composing their own music from the outset. From exploring classical music theory to digital music production, we encourage a hands-on approach.

Individual tuition is offered through a dedicated team of 16 music teachers, covering classical harp to rock guitar. Pupils enjoy improving their abilities and becoming more confident, with around twenty girls completing ABRSM Music examinations every term and some playing in the National Children’s Orchestra too.

Our extensive programme of concerts and shows includes regular lunchtime recitals – always one of the week’s highlights – plus ensemble concerts and our big musical productions.

Our production of 'Rats!' involved over 80 girls across Years 5 and 6 were involved! Our Year 3 and 4 Creative Arts Workshop celebrates music, drama and dance and is another example of how we make sure every girl is actively involved in the arts, and has the chance to perform on stage.

We seek to improve pupils’ presenting skills, public speaking and overall confidence. Recently, drama has been integrated into our curriculum. Every girl now benefits from weekly drama and speech lessons, with the focus on personal growth and development.
Group activities such as Year 3 Drama Club and Years 4-6 Theatre Workshop are popular. Many girls have gone on to participate in individual drama lessons, with some producing fantastic results in LAMDA or New Era Academy exams.

Our extensive programme of concerts and shows includes regular lunchtime recitals – always one of the week’s highlights – plus ensemble concerts and our big musical productions.

Our production of 'Rats!' involved over 80 girls across Years 5 and 6 were involved! Our Year 3 and 4 Creative Arts Workshop celebrates music, drama and dance and is another example of how we make sure every girl is actively involved in the arts, and has the chance to perform on stage.

We seek to improve pupils’ presenting skills, public speaking and overall confidence. Recently, drama has been integrated into our curriculum. Every girl now benefits from weekly drama and speech lessons, with the focus on personal growth and development.
Group activities such as Year 3 Drama Club and Years 4-6 Theatre Workshop are popular. Many girls have gone on to participate in individual drama lessons, with some producing fantastic results in LAMDA or New Era Academy exams.

Our extensive programme of concerts and shows includes regular lunchtime recitals – always one of the week’s highlights – plus ensemble concerts and our big musical productions.

Our production of 'Rats!' involved over 80 girls across Years 5 and 6 were involved! Our Year 3 and 4 Creative Arts Workshop celebrates music, drama and dance and is another example of how we make sure every girl is actively involved in the arts, and has the chance to perform on stage.

We seek to improve pupils’ presenting skills, public speaking and overall confidence. Recently, drama has been integrated into our curriculum. Every girl now benefits from weekly drama and speech lessons, with the focus on personal growth and development.
Group activities such as Year 3 Drama Club and Years 4-6 Theatre Workshop are popular. Many girls have gone on to participate in individual drama lessons, with some producing fantastic results in LAMDA or New Era Academy exams.