We aim to develop a love for learning from an early age. Our dedicated teaching staff are always coming up with new ways to make sure the approach to learning inside and outside of the classroom is fun and memorable.

As an independent school, we are able to take the best of the national curriculum and also use our freedom to offer more: from ‘Wow’ days and special visitors to the School, to local and overseas trips.




We aim to develop a love for learning from an early age. Our dedicated teaching staff are always coming up with new ways to make sure the approach to learning inside and outside of the classroom is fun and memorable.

As an independent school, we are able to take the best of the national curriculum and also use our freedom to offer more: from ‘Wow’ days and special visitors to the School, to local and overseas trips.


Over ten years ago we were one of the first schools in Bristol to introduce iPads in the classroom, and they are now an integral part of school kit.

When girls join from Year 3 onwards, they are loaned an iPad to use at school and at home. As well as being a fantastic learning tool, this also helps prepare them for technology being a part of everyday life.

Academically we set the bar high, with a curriculum designed to challenge. We are proud of the girls’ many achievements in different academic areas on a local, regional and national level. Small class sizes mean we are able to meet the needs of every girl so that they can achieve their full potential, while providing additional learning support where needed.

LEARNer profile

We have identified key characteristics in our Learner Profile that we believe will help achieve success in any subject. Our ‘Strive to be’ framework guides the ways in which we teach, helping our girls become active learners with the skills, knowledge and confidence to embrace new opportunities.

Over ten years ago we were one of the first schools in Bristol to introduce iPads in the classroom, and they are now an integral part of school kit.

When girls join from Year 3 onwards, they are loaned an iPad to use at school and at home. As well as being a fantastic learning tool, this also helps prepare them for technology being a part of everyday life.

Academically we set the bar high, with a curriculum designed to challenge. We are proud of the girls’ many achievements in different academic areas on a local, regional and national level. Small class sizes mean we are able to meet the needs of every girl so that they can achieve their full potential, while providing additional learning support where needed.

LEARNer profile

We have identified key characteristics in our Learner Profile that we believe will help achieve success in any subject. Our ‘Strive to be’ framework guides the ways in which we teach, helping our girls become active learners with the skills, knowledge and confidence to embrace new opportunities.



We aim to develop a love for learning from an early age. Our dedicated teaching staff are always coming up with new ways to make sure the approach to learning inside and outside of the classroom is fun and memorable.

As an independent school, we are able to take the best of the national curriculum and also use our freedom to offer more: from ‘Wow’ days and special visitors to the School, to local and overseas trips.

Over ten years ago we were one of the first schools in Bristol to introduce iPads in the classroom, and they are now an integral part of school kit.

When girls join from Year 3 onwards, they are loaned an iPad to use at school and at home. As well as being a fantastic learning tool, this also helps prepare them for technology being a part of everyday life.

Academically we set the bar high, with a curriculum designed to challenge. We are proud of the girls’ many achievements in different academic areas on a local, regional and national level. Small class sizes mean we are able to meet the needs of every girl so that they can achieve their full potential, while providing additional learning support where needed.

LEARNer profile

We have identified key characteristics in our Learner Profile that we believe will help achieve success in any subject. Our ‘Strive to be’ framework guides the ways in which we teach, helping our girls become active learners with the skills, knowledge and confidence to embrace new opportunities.