Empowering generations of girls

With a history dating back to 1634, and as the oldest surviving girls’ school in the country, we have a distinguished past and acclaimed expertise in educating girls.  We have long understood how valuable an all-girls education is. The world is not single-sex, but nor is it equal, and our approach over centuries has been to inspire students to overcome any barrier they might face, as well as to see the ways in which their work can create a more equitable society.

With 390 years of excellence in girls' education, we have grown in strength and will continue to innovate to best support our students for their chosen next steps. We have enjoyed tremendous academic success, noted as the best performing school in Bristol at A Level last year, with 94% of our students going on to their first-choice university, apprenticeship or gap year plan of choice.

Empowering generations of girls

With a history dating back to 1634, and as the oldest surviving girls’ school in the country, we have a distinguished past and acclaimed expertise in educating girls.  We have long understood how valuable an all-girls education is. The world is not single-sex, but nor is it equal, and our approach over centuries has been to inspire students to overcome any barrier they might face, as well as to see the ways in which their work can create a more equitable society.

Empowering generations of girls

With a history dating back to 1634, and as the oldest surviving girls’ school in the country, we have a distinguished past and acclaimed expertise in educating girls.  We have long understood how valuable an all-girls education is. The world is not single-sex, but nor is it equal, and our approach over centuries has been to inspire students to overcome any barrier they might face, as well as to see the ways in which their work can create a more equitable society.

Using our heritage to inspire innovation has helped us continue to grow in strength, with recent years no exception. We have enjoyed tremendous academic success, noted as the best performing school at A Level last year, with 95% of our students going on to their first-choice university or desired destinations.