PAstoral Care

Together we care for our students.

The process of growing up in today's world can be challenging at times, and we know that the successful navigation of life at Redmaids' High School is built upon effective communication, high expectations and unwavering care and support. Our students are assured that we will support them every step of the way through their journey of self-discovery and developing of independence.

Parenting in Partnership

Launched in 2023, Redmaids’ High’s Parenting in Partnership is an initiative to share information and tools with you to help you and your daughter through their secondary education. Key experts in areas like child and educational psychology, pastoral care, social media and physical health routinely come to school to talk to students and parents alike to offer advice and guidance.

Parenting in Partnership also offers a suite of resources to cover approaches to home study, revision and exam technique as well as key contacts for expert staff internally and partner agencies.  The resources, tools and guidance on offer will evolve over time as your daughter progresses through the school and keep apace with developments in society.

Our daughter feels challenged, respected and inspired, and we will be eternally grateful for the strength of character and learning she is developing.

- Parent