your Future
    starts here

with guidance every step of the way

The Lighthouse Programme

Sixth Form is a perfect time to discuss and prepare for key areas of student and adult life, to debate key topics and form your own opinions on the things that matter.

From money management and loans, to UK politics and the Middle East, car maintenance and cooking on a budget, to public speaking and managing your reputation online – we’ve got it all covered in our Lighthouse Programme.

Delivered through timetabled lessons, assemblies, tutor times, guest speaker talks and throughout our renowned Activities Week, this unique programme has been developed with input from Sixth Form students, so that it truly meets your needs – today and tomorrow.

Something a little special is that the programme links closely with our strong female Alumnae who love to come back and share their experiences, showcase their diverse paths to success and, quite often, offer guidance through our Lighthouse Mentor Programme.

Life beyond school, supported by our Head of Guidance and Futures

Our guidance programmes and expert career counselling provide you with a comprehensive insight into higher education opportunities, diverse professional avenues and some of the unforgettable adventures to be had in the world.

From university admissions and interview preparation, to exploring the world of apprenticeships, employment or gap years, we will help you to make informed decisions about your next life steps.

1:1 Guidance Meetings

Throughout Year 12 and Year 13 you are allocated a specific subject staff mentor who will support you with your application for university.

This may include additional reading or specific academic engagement, and also extends to support with your personal statement as well as preparation for any admissions tests and interview preparation.

Oxbridge Support

If you are an Oxbridge candidate, as part of the support in your 1:1 Guidance Meetings, your mentor will also offer further opportunities for academic discussion; exchanging evidence-based thoughts, ideas and questions about specific topics.

Health Professions

Medics, dentists, vets and those applying for Allied Health Professions (e.g. nursing, radiography etc.) have tailored support with their applications, including for medics and dentists, UCAT and BMAT support, MedSoc (a regular group meeting) discussed medical ethics, qualities of a professional and overall preparation for medicine.

The UCAS Convention

You will be invited to attend the UCAS convention; an exhibition that helps students explore a wide range of academic and career opportunities.


All students will be set up with a Unifrog account which offers a wealth of information and guidance on careers, subject choices and applications.

The Lighthouse Mentor Programme

This programme will allow you to access our strong Alumnae network of over 8000 former students.

Through our Futures Programme, you will be introduced to our Alumnae portal, Redmaids' High Connect, enabling you to connect with former students who have either studied courses you are interested in or are succeeding in careers that you too want to pursue.

1:1 Guidance Meetings

Throughout Year 12 and Year 13 you are allocated a specific subject staff mentor who will support you with your application for university.

This may include additional reading or specific academic engagement, and also extends to support with your personal statement as well as preparation for any admissions tests and interview preparation.

Oxbridge Support

If you are an Oxbridge candidate, as part of the support in your 1:1 Guidance Meetings, your mentor will also offer further opportunities for academic discussion; exchanging evidence-based thoughts, ideas and questions about specific topics.

Health Professions

Medics, dentists, vets and those applying for Allied Health Professions (e.g. nursing, radiography etc.) have tailored support with their applications, including for medics and dentists, UCAT and BMAT support, MedSoc (a regular group meeting) discussed medical ethics, qualities of a professional and overall preparation for medicine.

The UCAS Convention

You will be invited to attend the UCAS convention; an exhibition that helps students explore a wide range of academic and career opportunities.


All students will be set up with a Unifrog account which offers a wealth of information and guidance on careers, subject choices and applications.

The Lighthouse Mentor Programme

This programme will allow you to access our strong Alumnae network of over 8000 former students.

Through our Futures Programme, you will be introduced to our Alumnae portal, Redmaids' High Connect, enabling you to connect with former students who have either studied courses you are interested in or are succeeding in careers that you too want to pursue.