     beyond the

a community full of opportunity

Enrichment beyond what you will study in the classroom plays an invaluable role in shaping who you are and what your future could be.

Whether it’s developing your public speaking ability through our very own RED Talks, or fostering a sense of social responsibility with our volunteering projects, the opportunities outside of your academic studies will help to empower you to be the best version of you: confident, compassionate and with a desire to make a positive impact in your community.

RED Talks

We encourage students to express their interests, ideas and unique perspectives through the creation and delivery of their very own TED Talks, known fondly at our school as RED Talks.

The Talks are given to our school community, and they not only hone our students’ public speaking and presentation skills, but also help to strengthen their creative thinking, independent research ability and truly nurture their intellectual curiosity. This year for example we have enjoyed hearing ‘The Key to True Love’ and ‘Why Fish are Superheroes’, and it has been so wonderful to hear our students talk in depth about their passions and allow us to get to know them even more.

World Affairs Seminar

We are proud to offer you the opportunity to attend the prestigious World Affairs Seminar; a globally recognised forum to explore and discuss pressing international issues.

This immersive experience provides you with a unique platform to broaden your understanding of worldwide events, encouraging critical thinking and enhancing leadership skills. Our commitment to exposing our students to such global initiatives aligns with our vision to offer a forward thinking Sixth Form with a global outlook.

BEP Leadership Programme

The Bristol Education Partnership Leadership Programme is a fantastic and unique local initiative that will enable you to contribute to positive change within your local community.

By engaging in real-world challenges, you will need to problem-solve and create solutions to help make the world around you a better place.

A recent project saw our Sixth Form students create a ‘Waste to Taste’ cookbook, creating delicious recipes encouraging us to all make the most of food we would otherwise throw away.

Leadership Opportunities

Our Sixth Form offers an abundance of leadership opportunities, including roles such as Head Girls, Senior Almoners and Sports Captains.

These positions provide a powerful platform for you to lead, influence and inspire our school community, giving you the opportunity to make change.

Networking Evening

As you begin to bridge the gap between your school education and the professional world, learning how to network efficiently will help equip you with invaluable interpersonal skills for your future.

Our very own Networking Evening gathers together professionals from a diverse range of fields and industries, offering you the unique opportunity to network; to practise your communication, engage in insightful conversations, hone your elevator pitches, gain industry-specific knowledge and begin to nurture potential mentorship ties.

The experience can be challenging, but offers invaluable opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Charity Links

Led by our Senior Almoners, we have incredibly strong charitable links with some truly fantastic organisations locally, nationally and across the world.

Doing what we can to help support such meaningful and diverse causes is incredibly rewarding; running innovative fundraising campaigns and directly contributing to positive change in the wider world, will help to enrich your understanding of societal needs, instilling a strong sense of service and empathy.

Magazine Editor

As a Sixth Form student we offer you the fun opportunity to create and manage our very own school magazine Floret.

The responsibility will allow you to sharpen your writing, editing and project management skills and gain a robust understanding of journalistic production.

It is a fun and collaborative leadership role that helps shapes the voice of our school community.


Our unique radio station provides an unparalleled opportunity for you to create and host your own shows in our state-of-the-art, purpose-built radio booth.

This experience offers the chance to develop key skills in broadcasting and audio production, whilst also developing your communication skills and the ability to engage with an audience.

Whether exploring music, discussing current affairs, interviewing teachers or showcasing school events, this opportunity not only enriches your Sixth Form experience, but also provides a unique platform to amplify your voice within the school community.

Overseas Trips

We value the importance of global exposure and are so fortunate to be able to offer so many exciting opportunities for overseas trips.

Most recently, our Year 12 students had the unforgettable experience of exploring the cultural and historical richness of New York and Washington.

Such educational journeys will provide you with invaluable real-world learning experiences, helping you understand different cultures, broadening your perspectives, and creating lifelong memories with friends.

RED Talks

We encourage students to express their interests, ideas and unique perspectives through the creation and delivery of their very own TED Talks, known fondly at our school as RED Talks.

The Talks are given to our school community, and they not only hone our students’ public speaking and presentation skills, but also help to strengthen their creative thinking, independent research ability and truly nurture their intellectual curiosity. This year for example we have enjoyed hearing ‘The Key to True Love’ and ‘Why Fish are Superheroes’, and it has been so wonderful to hear our students talk in depth about their passions and allow us to get to know them even more.

World Affairs Seminar

We are proud to offer you the opportunity to attend the prestigious World Affairs Seminar; a globally recognised forum to explore and discuss pressing international issues.

This immersive experience provides you with a unique platform to broaden your understanding of worldwide events, encouraging critical thinking and enhancing leadership skills. Our commitment to exposing our students to such global initiatives aligns with our vision to offer a forward thinking Sixth Form with a global outlook.

BEP Leadership Programme

The Bristol Education Partnership Leadership Programme is a fantastic and unique local initiative that will enable you to contribute to positive change within your local community.

By engaging in real-world challenges, you will need to problem-solve and create solutions to help make the world around you a better place.

A recent project saw our Sixth Form students create a ‘Waste to Taste’ cookbook, creating delicious recipes encouraging us to all make the most of food we would otherwise throw away.

Leadership Opportunities

Our Sixth Form offers an abundance of leadership opportunities, including roles such as Head Girls, Senior Almoners and Sports Captains.

These positions provide a powerful platform for you to lead, influence and inspire our school community, giving you the opportunity to make change.

Networking Evening

As you begin to bridge the gap between your school education and the professional world, learning how to network efficiently will help equip you with invaluable interpersonal skills for your future.

Our very own Networking Evening gathers together professionals from a diverse range of fields and industries, offering you the unique opportunity to network; to practise your communication, engage in insightful conversations, hone your elevator pitches, gain industry-specific knowledge and begin to nurture potential mentorship ties.

The experience can be challenging, but offers invaluable opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Charity Links

Led by our Senior Almoners, we have incredibly strong charitable links with some truly fantastic organisations locally, nationally and across the world.

Doing what we can to help support such meaningful and diverse causes is incredibly rewarding; running innovative fundraising campaigns and directly contributing to positive change in the wider world, will help to enrich your understanding of societal needs, instilling a strong sense of service and empathy.

Magazine Editor

As a Sixth Form student we offer you the fun opportunity to create and manage our very own school magazine Floret.

The responsibility will allow you to sharpen your writing, editing and project management skills and gain a robust understanding of journalistic production.

It is a fun and collaborative leadership role that helps shapes the voice of our school community.


Our unique radio station provides an unparalleled opportunity for you to create and host your own shows in our state-of-the-art, purpose-built radio booth.

This experience offers the chance to develop key skills in broadcasting and audio production, whilst also developing your communication skills and the ability to engage with an audience.

Whether exploring music, discussing current affairs, interviewing teachers or showcasing school events, this opportunity not only enriches your Sixth Form experience, but also provides a unique platform to amplify your voice within the school community.

Overseas Trips

We value the importance of global exposure and are so fortunate to be able to offer so many exciting opportunities for overseas trips.

Most recently, our Year 12 students had the unforgettable experience of exploring the cultural and historical richness of New York and Washington.

Such educational journeys will provide you with invaluable real-world learning experiences, helping you understand different cultures, broadening your perspectives, and creating lifelong memories with friends.

My favourite thing is how much trust and control is given to us… we’re entrusted with clubs, running events, and I’ve even been allowed to start my own Sixth Form magazine, with great encouragement from my teachers.

- Sixth Form student